Monday, December 2, 2013

Concepts in progress for a prehistoric game

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Here's some art for a 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' pitch, made before we decided to do 3D instead of 2D:


(after, with additional background provided by Sam Amanfi)

Here are some clean concept images for a Justice League game (the idea was to make them a little cuter than the original versions):

Some art for I did for an unreleased game, all 'cube themed' 

(each stage had a platform, a foreground, and a background with some animated elements)

(these images wrapped around the cube shaped character)

(these are some of the props, uncolored, that would be selected to fill out the levels)

(this delightful fellow would randomly appear in the background of the forest level, I call him 'Cubesquatch')

(a very brief animation instance for an enemy cube)

(some barriers for the player to avoid or destroy)

(some rough concepts)

Some VERY rough concepts for a few pin-up themed playing cards

Here is an unused concept for a musical game proposal - the game design only existed as a single page pitch at the time, and that's why the UI is so undeveloped.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

These delightful fellows are some of my concepts for a miniature wargame I've designed